Expressive Language Disorder

Expressive Language Disorder

Expressive language refers to the skills of being precise, complete and clear when expressing thoughts and feelings, answering questions, relating events, and carrying on a conversation.
– Word retrieval difficulties
– Dysnomia (misnaming items)
– Difficulty acquiring the rules of grammar
– Difficulty in verb tense changes
– Difficulty in word meaning

Milestones of Language Development

  • Birth

    - Listens to speech
    - Startles or cries at noises

  • 0–3 Months

    - Turns to you when you speak
    - Smiles when spoken to
    - Recognizes your voice and quiets down if crying
    - Can coo and goo
    - Cries differently for different needs

  • 4–6 months

    - Responds to no
    - Looks around for the source of a new sound
    - Babbles
    - Imitates different speech sounds

  • 7 months–1 year

    - Recognizes words for common items
    - Begins to respond to requests (Come here)
    - Has one or two words
    - Uses speech or non-crying sounds to gain attention

  • 1–2 years

    - Understands a variety of words and should be using a few single words.
    - Points to pictures in a book when named
    - Points to a few body parts
    - Follows simple commands
    - By age two, words should be combined into two and three-word phrases and sentences.

  • 2–3 years

    - Understands differences in some opposites
    - Follows two requests
    - Has a word for almost everything
    - Uses 2 – 3 word sentences

  • 3–4 years

    - Answers simple who, what, where and why questions
    - Uses sentences of 4 or more words in length

  • 4–5 years

    - Pays attention to a story and answers simple questions about it
    - Communicates easily with children and adults
    - Uses the same grammar as the rest of the family

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